PR & Brand Management

Operational structure

University website

The website is the public window to the University and the online point of contact. It allows users to access various forms of information about the University. This is also a major source for students and staff recruitment, publicity and profiling the University and the accomplishments of staff and students. The information is uploaded and updated by the webmaster based at MarComms. The webmaster also develops and manages the secondary webpages and ensures that a common standard is maintained throughout our web presence.


University publications allow us to tell our own stories appropriately and to distribute this to the relevant stakeholder groups. The Publications Officer co-ordinates the publication of both the online and print publications. Depending on the nature and type of story the articles are then placed either on GNF, MUT SPIRIT, Essence, our website, Facebook page, Twitter platforms or the HESA platforms. The Senior Director is the managing editor and has the final decision to publish.

Brand management

Brand management is responsible for the proper use of our brand through the proper control measures in the use of our name and logo. This ensures that the brand is used to enhance our brand position and increase brand visibility. From our corporate colours, brand visibility, brand management ensures positive uses of the MUT branding material.


Advertising involves the design of branded messages and placing them on appropriate platforms like newspapers, magazines and publications used by our key stakeholders

Internal communications

This unit is responsible for all communication with academic and support staff. Academic staff deliver the University’s core business, teaching and learning. They require communication that is specific to their key performance areas and this section of MarComms is responsible for ensuring that key communication messages are communicated to this specialist group. Support staff serve as the enablers. They create, through support, an environment and infrastructure that allows teaching and learning to happen. Segmented and specialist internal communication is important in ensuring an informed and empowered academic and support staff cohort that is interactive and connected.

Media relations

Communication with media is managed through this section. From media queries and request for responses are channelled through this unit so that official responses and communication are sent through one port ensuring that institutional messages are verified, checked for correctness of fact and standardised. This portfolio also manages the University’s online platforms like Facebook and Twitter pages.

Accessing our services

Any requests for assistance or services should be directed to the office of the Senior Director who will then channel it accordingly. In her absence, you can direct your request to the directors who can then respond.