Student Counselling

Student counselling is a student support unit within the Student Affairs department at Manogsuthu University of Technology We believe in the innate potential of every MUT student, while also recognizing the importance of social and environmental support in helping students realize their full potential. 

We complete the puzzle Student counselling’s role is to COMPLEMENT the academic/educational objectives of MUT by providing personal, emotional, psychological, psycho-social and academic support to students. 

MUT Student Counselling Goes Online

Dear MUT students,

  • Call 031 907 7186 at the following times: 8h30 -12h00. 13h00-16h00. Lunch is from 12h00 -13h00.
  • Online counselling will be conducted either via email, telephone, or video calls, during office hours.

Other useful emergency numbers:

  • HIGHER HEALTH 24-hour toll free helpline: 0800 36 36 36;  SMS 43336
  • Lifeline: 0861 322 322;
  • South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG): 0800 567 567;
  • 24 hour helpline : 0800 456 789;
  • GBV LINE: 0800428428

Student Counselling Team

  • Dr Paulette Naidoom – Director of Student Counselling unit
  • Mrs Thuli Shezi – Departmental Secretary
  • Ms Lungi Mkhize – Psychologist/ Student Counsellor
  • Mrs Lindiwe Chamane – Social Worker/ Student Counsellor
  • Mrs Nokuthula Ndlovu – Psychologist/ Student   Counsellor

The Student Survival Guide 2024

Strategic implications

Student Counselling operations and interventions are designed to promote holistic student well-being and academic success. Student Counselling Services therefore contribute to the following goals of the

    • MUT Strategic Plan 2020-2025:
    • Goal 1: Excellence in teaching and learning
    • Goal 3: Excellence in Community Engagement
    • Goal 5: To create an enabling support environment

Student Counselling Vision

To provide a relevant and responsive professional support service to the MUT student community that enhances holistic well-being and personal development, promotes actualization of student potential, supports academic retention and throughput, and enhances student graduations

Student Counselling Code Of Ethics

  • The SCU keeps students’ records in accordance with the professional, legal, and ethical guidelines of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and Social Work Council of South Africa.
  • Other than authorized SCU staff, no one will have access to student records.
  • Student counsellors are furthermore not permitted to disclose information regarding a student to a third party without the student’s consent.

When Do Students Go To Counselling?

Personal issues affecting your studies / functioning e.g.

  • Relationship & family problems (break-up;’ pressure)
  • Personal development needs (low self-esteem; poor self confidence, lack of assertiveness; stress management)
  • Grief/ bereavement , Trauma
  • Adjustment challenges (First-year experience)
  • Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression , substance dependence
  • Psycho-social issues impacting on academic functioning
  • Career confusion/ dissatisfaction

Core Services

Personal Counselling &  Psychotherapy Offered for various issues including (but not limited to):

  • First-year adjustment difficulties
  • Relationship & family problems
  • Grief/ bereavement
  • Trauma, gender-based violence
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Substance abuse/ alcohol abuse (assess and refer to external service providers)
  • Experiencing such problems can make it difficult to study. Students are therefore encouraged to make use of Student Counselling services as soon as they become aware that they have a problem.

Remember, no problem is too small! 

Personal Development & LifeSkills Workshops

  • First-Year Transition Adjustment workshops
  • Problem-solving & decision-making
  • Note taking
  • Study Skills & Critical Thinking
  • Learning Styles
  • Exam preparation & Stress Management
  • Communication skills
  • Self-esteem
  • Assertiveness & Setting boundaries
  • Dealing with peer pressure & relationships

Students Living With Disabilities (SWD’s)

Student counselling strives to promote an inclusive living and learning environment that is mindful of student needs & challenges,   including students living with disabilities

  • Student advocacy
  • Counselling
  • Psycho-education
  • Faculty liaison
  • Academic & psycho-social support & concessions

Peer Helper Programme (PHP)

Peer helpers from second year of study up to fourth year, are recruited and trained by the Student Counselling unit to provide a non-judgmental, safe listening space for students on campus and in student residences. This encourages students to explore their concerns and frustrations, in order to arrive at a solution.

  • Peer-helpers work closely with student counsellors
  • If student’s issues are beyond the role of the peer helper,
  • they refer the student to the Student Counselling Unit for
  • professional assistance.
  • Confidentiality is always guaranteed. (confidentiality agreement is signed by peer helpers)
  • Peer-helpers wear Peer Helper t-shirts easy recognition by fellow students.



Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) aims to make your studies and social life as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible. There are a number of organisations that you can join and a large selection of sporting and cultural activities you can participate in. We recommend that you become involved in campus life and use every opportunity to make the most of your time worthwhile.

The following information covers most aspect of University life. If you need to further information please contact the Student Counselling Unit or your student representative council for help. Good physical and mental health is the result of a balanced life. We believe that students should aim for success by working hard in their studies, and taking time to make friends and develop interests outside the classroom. The Student Counselling Unit offers careers and personal counselling services to all students on campus. The Students Counselling staff will listen to your problems or worries, to help you gain control and direction of your life, settle down at the University and study more effectively. The service aims to make your experience at the MUT as positive as possible. WORKSHOPS ON THE FOLLOWING ISSUES ARE: HELD DURING THE YEAR:

  • Job Hunting skills.
  • Stress Management.
  • Human Sexual Development and Sexual Orientation.
  • Drug Addiction and Alcoholism.


Personal Counselling

Counselling services are available for various aspects of life such as personal problems finance, emotional issues, stress and substance abuse. A student can also be helped with problems such as shyness, depression , anxiety, low self confidence and other related issues. Experiencing problems can make coping with your studies difficult. You are urged to contact a Student Counsellor as soon as you are aware of a problem. Remember no problem is too small! Full confidentiality is guaranteed. If the counsellor is unable to assist you, you will be referred to outside agencies.

Careers Counselling

Student Counsellors also provide careers counselling services to students. This service is designed to assist you in acquiring job seeking skills such as, how to write the curriculum vitae and a covering letter and how to prepare for and undergo a job interview. Information on employment agencies or employment opportunities available in certain companies is also available. You may also find that during the course of your studies you are not happy with your chosen career. Dont drop out of the course and leave, rather let the Student Counsellor assist you with re-appraisal of your interests and abilities. Information about study opportunities at other educational institutions is available from the Student Counselling Unit. Workshops are run periodically for matric students interested in exploring career options.

Orientation Services

Orientation programmes for new students are organised by the student Counsellors in consultation with the Orientation Committee of MUT. The purpose of these programmes is to introduce new students to the various aspects of University life.

Peer Help Programme

Peer help programme is organized and co-ordinated by the Student Counselling Unit and it provides an opportunity for students to learn how to care about others and put their caring into practice. A peer helper (who is a peer/another student) is trained to provide a non-judgemental listening environment which encourages others to explore their concerns and frustrations, in order to arrive at a decision or solution.

Selection Testing Services

The Student Counselling Unit administers psychometric tests for the selection of students on behalf of the academic departments that need the service. We wish you an interesting and rewarding year at MUT.


Contact Us

Email: & cc’ (Include your name, surname, student no. & cell phone no. in your email. If you saw a student counsellor previously, include the counsellor’s name as well). Kindly check your emails regularly for an update on your request/ query).

Call our Reception Office landline on 031 907 7186 (lunch from 12h00 -13h00) Visit our offices (Student Counselling Reception) next to the Dean of Students Office Other useful emergency numbers (after-hours & weekends/ public holidays):

  • HIGHER HEALTH 24-hour toll free helpline: 0800 36 36 36; SMS 43336
  • Lifeline: 0861 322 322.
  • South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG): 0800 567 567;
  • 24 hour helpline: 0800 456 789;
  • GBV LINE: 0800428428