Leadership and Governance

Executive Management

Professor N Sibiya

Vice-Chancellor & Principal

T: 031 907 7219
E: adsecretary@mut.ac.za

My first job, when I took over this strategic portfolio, was to combine a number of different departments and put them on a path to raise the profile and educational standing of the university. It has not been easy, because it has required me to consolidate the work of three divisions. I had to begin with devising systems, drawing up policies, and developing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).

What I found was emerging pockets of excellence in each division, but we were hampered by our lack of post-graduate programmes. It was difficult to create a post-graduate culture from nothing.

So we started by encouraging senior researchers to stay at MUT even when they were doing their doctoral studies elsewhere. They would enrich their research, find partners, form linkages with other universities, find students to supervise. This approach bore fruit almost immediately – we now already have 12 published papers with an MUT affiliation.

For research, our target for 2022 was 45 output units; we reached a total of 97. Twenty-nine (29) DHET accredited, non-predatory journal articles were received during the first quarter of 2023, a 30% increase from 2022.

MUT’s main focus used to be making students ready for work. We are now pivoting towards a research-based institution. The progress made by staff, on their own, and with the help of the Research Professors and the senior staff that have been involved in research for a while now, is quite pleasing.

We are also collaborating with SASUF – (South Africa/Swedish University Forum) on collaborative projects and we are engaging with the eThekwini Municipality to establish a working relationship. This is part of our Community Engagement (CE) agenda – to contribute to the public good. Based on our partnership with the Moses Kotane Institute, we are in the process of setting up a Digital Centre on campus to serve the Umlazi community. Not only will the community benefit, but MUT will benefit from the research output envisaged through this project.

What I love about MUT is that it has enormous potential to grow from a small base. I foresee great things for this small but dynamic University. There is a strong and energetic management team; there is huge potential and willingness from staff. Already, we are seeing progress. It will only take a few years, then MUT will rise in the rankings to take its place among the top universities in the country.

Dr B Ntshangase​

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching & Learning (Acting)

T: 031 907 7252
E: jacky@mut.ac.za

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation & Engagement

T: 031 819 9334
E: khathi.nqobile@mut.ac.za

Dr J van Koller​

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources & Planning (Acting)

T: 031 907 7231
E: kubheka.phumelele@mut.ac.za

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Dr J van Koller​​

Dr PP Masala​


T: 031 907 7125
E: zludidi@mut.ac.za

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Dr PP Masala​

Student Enquiries and Admissions

The main function of this section is dealing with applications for admission to Mangosuthu University of Technology, and to attend to all general enquiries related to admissions, viz:

  • Admission requirements;
  • Issuing CAO application forms for admission;
  • Receiving post graduate application forms for admission;
  • Providing University calendars and faculty handbooks;
  • Updating student biographical details like including names, postal address and cell phone numbers; and
  • Issuing of official proof registration.

Student Records

Student records section is responsible for maintenance of student records:

  • Creating student files;
  • Receiving and updating received documents from students;
  • Managing students records and files; and
  • Block and unblock student accounts with regards to non-submission of ID/passport, matric/ equivalent, medical aid for international students.

Academic Administration

This department assists students with student administration related matters. These include the following:

  • Consideration of all applications for admission of students in conjunction with the academic departments;
  • Responsibility for registration of students and issuing of information to prospective students, including acceptance letters and sms;
  • Maintaining curricula for all the faculties;
  • Collecting information on new courses from the faculties and updating academic structures;
  • Issuing of letters to support study permit application and renewal for international students;
  • Interpretation and implementation of University rules and regulations to all students;
  • Faculty Officers: Receiving applications for recognition of courses passed at other institutions and sending them to the Faculty Boards; and
  • Faculty Officers: helping students with the changing of curricula and cancellation of courses.

Faculty Deans

Professor BF Bakare​

Dean: Faculty of Engineering (Acting)

T: 031 907 7236
E: zodwa@mut.ac.za

Dr K Ramsarghey

Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences (Acting)

T: 031 907 7128
E: miriam@mut.ac.za

Professor AM Msomi

Dean: Faculty of Natural Sciences (Acting)

T: 031 907 7601
E: khumalo.zakhele@mut.ac.za

Senior Management

Professor N Sibiya
Vice-Chancellor & Principal 

Dr B Ntshangase
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching & Learning (Acting)

Dr J van Koller
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources & Planning (Acting)

Professor N Sibiya
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation & Engagement

Dr PP Masala

Professor BF Bakare
Dean: Faculty of Engineering (Acting)

AM Msomi
Dean: Faculty of Natural Sciences (Acting)

Dr K Ramsarghey
Dean: Faulty of Management Sciences (Acting)

Dr LT Kweyama
Dean of Students

R Delomoney
Chief Financial Officer

D Brijlal
Senior Director: Human Resource and Development

Dr M De Swardt
Senior Director: Information Technology and Networks

F Madhi
Senior Director: Legal Services

Dr N Mosala-Bryant
Senior Director: Library Services

M Kau
Senior Director: Operations (Interim)

M Mkhize
Senior Director: Marketing and Communication

Dr PR Gumede
Senior Director: TLDC (Acting)

Professor B Nkonki-Mandleni
Director: Community Engagement and Development Directorate (CEAD)

Dr A Mienie
Director: Research

Z Gwarube
Director: Risk and Compliance (Acting)

Dr FR Nofemela
Director: Co-operative Education

Dr M Moodley
Director: Quality Management Directorate

Dr P Naidoo
Director: Student Counselling

Z Gqamane
Deputy Registrar: Academic Administration

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MUT Senate

Vice-Chancellor & Principal 
Professor N Sibiya

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching & Learning
Dr B Ntshangase​

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources & Planning
Dr J van Koller

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation & Engagements
Professor N Sibiya

Dean: Faculty of Engineering (Acting)
Professor BF Bakare

Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences (Acting)
Dr K Ramsarghey

Dean: Faculty of Natural Sciences (Acting)
Professor AM Msomi

Registrar (Secretary)
Dr PP Masala

HoD: Construction Management & Quantity Surveying
I Dala

HoD: Chemical Engineering
JI Baah

HoD: Civil Engineering and Survey (Acting)
P Bhengu

HoD: Mechanical Engineering
Dr JG Mukuna

HoD: Marketing 
MW Ngcobo

HoD: Accounting & Law
Dr K Ramsarghey

HoD: Communication 
Professor S Ngcobo

HoD: Human Resource Management
Dr ET Kotelana

HoD: Office Technology
Dr PN Majiya

HoD: Public Administration & Economics
Dr BYC Mvuyana

HoD: Agriculture
Dr F Murungu

HoD: Biomedical Sciences
Dr NW Nsele

HoD: Chemistry
Dr MM Shapi

HoD: Community Extension
Dr BE Mthembu

HoD: Environmental Health
Dr TT Poswa

HoD: Information & Communication Technology
Dr V Jugoo

HoD: Mathematical Sciences (Acting)
Professor AM Msomi

HoD: Nature Conservation 
Dr KK Naidoo

Senior Director: Legal Services
F Madhi

Senior Director: Operations
M Kau

Chief Financial Officer
R Delomoney

Senior Director: Library Services
Dr N Mosala-Bryant

Senior Director: Marketing and Communications
M Mkhize

Senior Director: Human Resources & Development
D Brijlal

Senior Director: Teaching & Learning Development Centre
Dr PR Gumede

Director: Research Unit
Dr A Mienie

Director: Co-operative Education
Dr F Nofemela

Director: Quality Management Directorate

Director: Community Engagement and Development Directorate (CEAD)
Professor B Nkonki-Mandleni

Director: Risk and Compliance (Acting)
Z Gwarube

Dean of Students
Dr LT Kweyama

Director: Student Counselling
Dr P Naidoo

Senior Director: Institutional Planning and Research
E Bleazard

Senior Director: IT&N
Dr M de Swardt

Union Representative
L Mthimkhulu

Institutional Forum Representative
AZM Kubone

Non-Academic Faculty Representatives
S Khawula
B Dludla

Academic Faculty Representatives
SM Mhlongo
M Hoosen
VM Ariyan

SRC Representatives

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