Skills Development Fund

merSETA Skills Development Fund

Have you heard? merSETA Skills Development Fund is paying off historical debt for all eligible Engineering students who graduated from 2006 – 2022. Clear your debt now and get your certificate, the closing date is now extended to 3 April 2024.

All Advanced Diploma engineering students with debt should also apply for the bursary fund

Submit your application via email to:


  1. Who is eligible to apply?
    All individuals who have completed studies and graduated in any Engineering field from MUT but have not yet received their certificate due to outstanding student debt.

  2. What is my SAQA Number?
    Please visit the MUT website to check for your qualification’s SAQA number.

  3. How much is the Bursary?
    Successful applicants will receive full funding of their debt and will qualify to obtain their certificates.

  4. If I have completed my diploma but am waiting for my in-service training, can I apply?
    No, only graduates who have completed their studies and received their diplomas can apply.

  5. I am a graduate with debt, but not in engineering, can I apply?
    No, only engineering graduates can apply.