Staff Development

Professional Development for staff

The provision by Teaching and Professional Development Unit (TPDU) of resources to teaching staff as a way of enhancing the learning experience of MUT students is done collaboratively with different stakeholders that include training providers, agencies in and outside the institution and other organisations that offer staff development opportunities. The centre conceptualises and coordinates continuous professional development activities and through the upgrading of academics’ qualifications where necessary. The following forms of professional development support initiatives are provided by TLDC;

  • Seminars /Workshops on Teaching and Learning
  • Seminars/Workshops on Curriculum Development
  • Seminars/Workshops on Assessment of Student Learning
  • Seminars/Workshops on the integration of Information Technology in learning and Teaching
  • Seminars/Workshops on the development of Professional Portfolios
  • Compulsory Induction programmes for academic staff members
  • Facilitating the rolling out of Teaching /Learning Conferences
  • Conducting on request situated learning training or department specific forms of academic staff development.
  • Tutor training and Management of Foundation & Peer Assisted Learning; add- platforms to share best practices through special interest groups, Seminars and paper discussions.


Professional development is an important part of any professional’s career and higher education is no exception.  At MUT, the planning, coordination and implementation of professional development activities rests with the TLDC.  There are various ways in which these opportunities for growth and development can be effected including provision of in-house courses, workshops, learning programmes and funding mechanisms.

The promotion of the scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Every staff member to attend staff development activities that will contribute to them acquiring and improving skills and knowledge needed for their work performance. The TLDC places great emphasis on teaching, learning and assessment methodology given the fact that most staff members at MUT do not possess qualifications in teaching. As a consequence, all staff at the university will have to undergo training in the following core modules which constitute a basic teaching package for academics in Higher Education. The basic teaching package for academics in Higher Education has the following mandatory modules:

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The Teaching and Learning in Higher Education module introduces the lecturers to theories of teaching and learning that are more suitable for HE Assumptions about how students learn and conditions under which learning takes place, motivation of students, how to handle large classes, teaching strategies and different ways of facilitating and mediating the learning process will be central to this module 

Curriculum Development

The Curriculum development module explores ways of designing, implementing and evaluating learning activities, designing well aligned learning materials such as leaner/study guides and course outlines. The concept of constructive alignment of teaching, learning and assessment activities will also come to the fore. 

Assessment of Student Learning

The assessment module equips lecturers with skills of designing and implementing sound assessment instruments and methods (both formative and summative) and the related assessment criteria. By exploring the principles and theories that underpin good assessment practices in HE, the course aims to empower academic staff in assisting students in their learning process. The module also foregrounds the issues of fairness, transparency, validity and reliability of assessment as the building blocks of any valid assessment process.

Induction of newly appointed staff members

Newly appointed members of staff are expected to undergo an induction programme so that they are initiated into the core values, norms and ethos, mission and vision of the institution. This is necessary if these members are to make a significant contribution to the attainment of the University goals. The induction of new academic staff members is supposed to take place twice per year in the month of February and October of each year. The duration of the induction period is three days. Day one of the induction programme will be attended by all new employees of the university and will be facilitated by the HR personnel. This part will deal with all HR-related forms of induction that apply to all employees. Non-academic staff will only attend day one while academic staff will proceed with day two and three of the induction under the facilitation of TLDC staff. This part of the induction will only concentrate on academic related induction activities that are meant to promote the academic’s competence and professional growth.