Quick Guides

FYE- Quick Guides

Quick guides are infographics that will demonstrate a step-by-step process of accessing and utilizing academic tools.

Microsoft Teams

If you are struggling to download, install and utilize Microsoft Teams for your mobile phone or personal computer please click on the infographic on the right for a full guide.



Using Turnitin is simple, it can be done on your mobile phone or laptop. Avoid visiting the library for Turnitin queries, click on the infographic on the right to view a full guide on how to utilize it.

Student email

If you are having trouble with accessing your student email, please click on the link below it will put you through the MUT official website, student email process.

Student email


The MUT library allows you to borrow and return books, your student card is the only passport. Please click in the link to open full details about library working hours and borrowing privilege and instructions.

Library borrowing privilege Library services and facilities