Educational Technology

Technology use in teaching and learning

In order to keep abreast of competitive global higher education environment and remain at the cutting edge of knowledge and skills requirements at a global level, there needs to be an increased use of ICTs at MUT. Students in the 21st century are part of a knowledge explosion has made it mandatory university academics constantly keep on renewing, revisiting and critically reflecting on their approaches towards teaching and learning through training and retraining.

The TLDC also uses the results from the training needs analysis to determine the type of training needed by particular departments or individuals where ever possible. The Educational Technology and E-Learning Specialist is also available upon request to assist with the training of academics according to specific departmental needs as well as consultancy at individual level

nGAP programme

  1. Conduct training needs analysis relevant to foundation staff members
  2. Coordinate programme development
  3. Facilitate staff development initiatives
  4. Facilitate the implementation of the outstanding foundation programmes.
  5. Monitor the implementation of all the foundation programmes.
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of all the foundation programmes
  7. Facilitate reporting for internal and external stakeholders