Institutional Audit 2021/2022

The Council on Higher Education, in keeping with its legislated mandate, has embarked on institutional audits across all public and private universities in South Africa 2021. The audit of MUT was initiated on the 01st July 2021 and will culminate in a site visit from the 14-18 November 2022. Central to the IQA is the HEQC’s approach in finding the balance between accountability and improvement by evaluating the University’s internal quality assurance systems. In this regard the HEQC requires institutions to critically reflect on and account for the quality of provision with a view to improving student success. The IQA involves participation of the entire University community, the outcomes of which will be used for the enhancement of university processes and will provide a baseline for the new Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). The University will benefit from the process as the approach taken for the IQA requires the University community to develop a holistic understanding of quality assurance which will in turn lead to the improvement of the University’s quality of provision. This will have a positive impact on the University’s reputation as a credible higher education institution.

Institutional Audit Dates

• Submission of the Self-Evaluation Report: 01st April 2022

• Site Visit: 14-18 November 2022



IQA task team consultation sessions


Tuesday: 9am – 11am

Wednesday: 9am – 11am

Thursday: 9am – 11am