MUT’s senior leadership and academics congratulate the TLDC

Forward-looking department! Professor Babatunde Bakare had some encouraging words for the TLDC

Last Friday, 10 November 2023 at the TLDC’s 10 year anniversary celebration dinner, speaker after speaker spent more than three minutes of the allocated time to provide a few words of support to the TLDC. Setting the tone for the appreciative inquiry were the faculty deans who applauded the work of TLDC and the impact it had made on improving the quality of teaching and learning; and most importantly giving academics a platform to deliver conference papers on how they are tackling MUT’s teaching and learning agenda. Keywords that came out of messages from the deans, Dr Bheka Ntshangase and Professor Babatunde Bakare include ‘forward-looking department, trailblazer, insightful, excellent, committed and highest ethics, and the latter can be testified by millions in grant allocation by DHET which have been spent with due diligence. Ethical leadership and integrity were some of the strengths that had been mentioned by Dr Makua in his presentation. For Marketing and Communications, the department has assisted on brand awareness and positioning, “It is departments like TLDC that support our work by letting the world out there know about MUT. The excellent work by the TLDC makes our work of marketing the university possible. You have put the MUT brand on the map, all the work you do nationally and internationally is creating a positive brand perception for MUT and this responds directly to strategic goal 4 of the MUT strategy 2025,” said Mbali Mkhize, the Senior Director Marcomms. Several academics across the three MUT faculties painted a colourful picture of the impact that the TLDC development programmes made and continue to make in their academic careers. The entire TLDC staff received a seal of approval for the human touch they give to the many requests, “every time you make a call or send an email request to the TLDC, you get treated with respect, we feel very blessed to be associated with a team of people who go out of their way to give the best customer experience,” said Dr Duma, lecturer in the Management Sciences faculty.