MUT thanks its long-serving staff members

Here is to a new practice to the Year-End event. The MarComms directorate and the HR&D department have heard your recommendations about bringing more time for socialising and entertainment at the Year-End event. This year, Department of Human Resources and Development has submitted to MarComms a list of 71 staff that celebrated their 10; 15; 20; 30 and 35-year anniversaries under the employ of MUT. Instead of all the 71 individuals being called at the Year-End event, pictures of them are being taken at MarComms and they will be profiled daily as part of a build up to the Year-End. “We will only announce those who have been at MUT for 25 and 30 years,”, said Jade Mthiyane, Events’ Coordinator. “We also believe that sending these daily pictures will enable the University to know these colleagues even better”, she added.

While taking pictures, some staff members jokingly said they were “furniture” in the University. The Head of the Department of Engineering, Dr Richard Chizonga, said he has worked at MUT for 15 years because the management of the University is very supportive. “This kind of support has persisted through the years to the present.  We have a bunch of wonderful praying people here dedicated to making a difference to our students,” said Dr Chidzonga. Not everything has been plain sailing, however, observed Dr Chidzonga. He said like a household or family, “we have our share of problems, but we always find each other and move on.”

Thulile Cele, from the Department of Finance, said she has been working a MUT for the last 15 years because of the way MUT encourages and develops its employees through education, and training, and because MUT is anchored in its communities.

Senior Director of the Department of Human Resources, Baboo Brijlal, said that long service awards were given to employees who have dedicated a significant portion of their careers at MUT. “These annual awards are designed to acknowledge and celebrate the commitment and contributions of staff who have served the University for an extended period. These awards at MUT are in the form of a cash payment and a certificate,” said Brijlal.