MUT hosts Public Service Commission Chair

Professor Somadoda Fikeni

On 7 August 2023, the University will host an esteemed public commentator, Professor Somadoda Fikeni, the Chair of the Public Service Commission (PSC). Professor Fikeni will give a public lecture on ‘Professionalisation of Public Service’. The public lecture will take place at the University’s Seme Hall, from 10am, to 12 noon. Staff and students are invited to attend. Acting Head of the Department of Public Administration and Economics, Dr Yvonne Mvuyana, said the invitation to Professor Fikeni was a collaboration between her department and the South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM).

Giving reasons for this topic, Dr Mvuyana said “the professionalization of the public service in South Africa has been an ongoing effort to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of government institutions. The effort aims to address issues of corruption, improving service delivery, and ensuring that public servants are skilled and accountable”. Dr Mvuyana said the lecture was expected to shed light on where public sector employees, state institutions, and agencies, are in the fulfilment of the requirements for enhancing and improving capabilities, expertise, and efficiency.

Dr Mvuyana added that there will be a discussion panel composed of academics and practitioners in the field of public administration.