Ka-Ching it’s R30m towards student debt

MUT leadership – Professor Nokuthula Sibiya, third from left, and Dr Manyane Makua, third from right, receiving a R30 million cheque from MEC Siboniso Duma, fourth from right, and other officials from MKI and the DHET

Remember the 2010 South Africa’s World Cup slogan, ‘Feel it, it is here’? That is what it felt like for Dr Manyane Makua, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning when he was asked to come on the stage together with Professor Nokuthula Sibiya, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation, and Engagement to receive the R30 million award handed over by KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Siboniso Duma on Friday, 10 November 2023 at a fully-packed Dr Pixley kaSeme Hall. MUT got a bigger pie in the Skills Revolution Campaign that MEC Duma launched at MUT. MUT’s CFO Rodney Delomoney stated that the process to allocate the funds for MUT graduates and students has started. “We would still require more money; our students owe a lot of money to the University” said the CFO informally. The MarComms team that made this grant possible have promised that they have already started stewarding the people that made this a possibility, and there are positive prospects. Both the two DVCs had to touch the cheque once it was officially tended over to them, “Feel it, it is here”, and it won’t be the last. This is the first time the University has ever received so much money to reduce student debt. Greater things are yet to come. We have great relationships with our stakeholders, and we keep those relations professional and beneficial for the University. This R30 million grant is just an example of a sustainable and targeted stakeholder relations programme”, said Zama Sishi, Director, Stakeholder Relations Management.