IEC assists staff and students with election matters

IEC’s Lungelo Mhlongo, left, and his colleagues assisting students with election-related matters

The University has once again made a telling contribution to the 30-year-old democracy. Last Sunday MUT hosted a town hall meeting that was moderated by the eNCA. Five representatives from South Africa’s political organisations debated issues which related to the elections that will take place on 29 May 2024. On 16 and 17 May 2024 the University welcomed the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to its main campus. Lungelo Mhlongo, IEC Outreach Coordinator, said they came to assist those students and staff who will not be able to vote in the stations they registered in. “There are several reasons why citizens may not be able to vote where they registered. Now, in terms of Section 24a of the Constitution, these citizens can vote at other stations. But they need to register accordingly,” said Mhlongo.

Mhlongo also added that they were educating citizens about how the voting would be conducted. “We are telling them about the three ballot papers, and what they are for – national, regional and provincial,” said Mhlongo.