Graduate wins award for her book

Nonhlanhla Vezi showing her award and her book

A graduate of the Department of Community Extension, and now Research Assistant in the department, has won an award for her book – The Black Graduate in a Corporate World. Nonhlanhla Vezi received her Africa Honoree Author’s Award on 31 July 2023 at the 6th African Global Honorees Authors Awards.  Annually, an organisation called African Child Your Time Is Now (ACYTIN) honours authors who have done well in literature. Vezi’s award was under the ‘Best Novel in 2023’ category. The CEO of the company, Anthea Thyssen, said Vezi wrote “the most relevant book in history”. Thyssen said she loved how Vezi touched on different themes and believe that it will benefit the youth.

Vezi said she was humbled by this recognition, “I would like to thank Anthea Thyssen for believing in African writers and celebrating their efforts. Winning the African Honoree Author’s Award signifies that my little contribution towards literature is acknowledged, and what I do matters; my writing matters; telling African stories matters,” Vezi said.

A few weeks ago, Vezi was interviewed by Vuma FM about her book.

Those that would like to buy the book can contact her on 078 466 6656. The book is R250.