EA Care

The EAC doesn’t only stand for Empowered Administrators Conference, it also stands for Empowered Administrators Care (EACare).

As part of creating a legacy, the EAC has since 2015 introduced a social corporate responsibility aspect aimed at encouraging EAC delegates to exercise a civil duty by giving to those who need our time and support. EAC 2015 delegates donated sanitary towels to the Umlazi District high school learners

EAC 2017 delegates donated to the Bobbi Bear Foundation, a safe home for victims of child abuse.

EAC 2018 delegates donated jerseys and clothing to the Umlazi Place of safety, a home for abandoned kids from ages zero to sixteen years

EAC 2019 delegates donated to the rape survivors who have taken shelter at the Thuthuzela Care Centre in Umlazi Township.

This year we urge you to donate