Contract cleaning staff graduates with a teaching degree

Tholani Mtshali

A University contract cleaning staff has recently graduated with a teacher’s degree from the University of South Africa. Tholani Mtshali, a Kwa-Myaluza Cleaning company staff, graduated on 14 May 2024 at Durban’s Olive Convention Centre.  It took Mtshali six years to complete the degree. The 46-year-old Mtshali said it was the love she had for children that made her choose the teaching profession.

Mtshali said she started studying late because she had no funds. The government financial support scheme called NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) assisted her halfway. “I then had to use my own funds to pay for my studies,” she said. Mtshali said that studying as an adult was not easy. “I had to first do house chores, then turn to my books. There are four people in the house. Everyone gave me a chance to do my studies,” she said. Mtshali majored in Social Science and IsiZulu.

Mtshali’s message to others is that they need to love to study. “It is possible. It is not easy, but can be done,” she said. Mtshali said she studied with a group. She will now start looking for a teaching job soon.

Mtshali lives at Umlazi’s T Section. She is from Madundube, Umbumbulu, a place 44.2 km from Durban City, inland from Isipingo.