CEAD hosts Fulbright scholar from University of Missouri – US

MUT staff meeting Professor Wilson Majee, right

This week, Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) has welcomed a visit by Fulbright Scholar Professor Wilson Majee from the University of Missouri, USA. Professor Majee’s visit began on 31 July 2023 and will end on 8 August 2023. The Community Engagement and Development (CEAD) directorate led by Professor Busi Nkonki-Mandleni is the host department. “My first port of call was to ensure that we introduce Professor Majee to MUT’s Executive Management Committee (EMC) so that as a university we could explore opportunities of integration across what we could do with his university beyond his tenure as a Fulbright Scholar”. Dr Connie Israel, Executive Director, Institutional Advancement was requested to welcome Professor Majee on behalf of EMC as well as set the tone for the visit and how it aligns with MUT Strategy 2025. Coincidentally Dr Israel is also a Fulbright alumnus.

Professor Mandleni said, “I am proud to say that Professor Majee has undertaken workshops to academic staff members to integrate community engagement into teaching and learning, and research. In addition, there were many information sharing sessions which were both successful and very productive. Professor Majee made comparisons between what is happening in the USA and South Africa. Professor Majee is engaging academics in the design of modules to include Service-Learning.