“Beauty is Truth. Truth is Beauty”

Dr Manyane Makua

Professor Marcus Ramogale, Acting Vice-Chancellor & Principal’s visit to Namibia made him recall a poem, “Ode to a Grecian urn”, by John Keats. While the poet is mesmerized by how art conveys the truth better than any other form of communication, Professor Ramogale saw the real meaning of this in how Namibia is positioned as a destination of choice, both nationally and internationally. He has set up a special committee, headed by Dr Manyane Makua, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching & Learning that will specifically deal with MUT’s aesthetics. This special committee will respond to the VC’s call to action, “What stops us from developing a beautiful campus?” Brace yourselves up for getting on a journey to create new beginnings on ‘turning beauty into truth, and truth into beauty’ in real time.