Appreciative Vice-Chancellor welcomed back by EMC


Professor Marcus Ramogale

A spirit of pleasantness prevailed at the Executive Management Committee’s (EMC) meeting as they welcomed Professor Marcus Ramogale, Acting Vice-Chancellor & Principal after his brief holiday, and a week-long in Namibia, attending to the business of Technological Higher Education Network South Africa (THENSA). For close to an hour, EMC apprised him on developments during his sojourn, a briefing he enjoyed. The good news started with the sharing of the new Student Centre’s completion, something long awaited by the University community. More good news ranged from the MUT Choir winning choral competitions, despite MUT not having a music department; the sterling performance  by the Netball team at USSA games held at Stellenbosch University; Enactus student winning a laptop; and recognition of MUT’s GBV song. As if that was not enough, the Acting Vice-Chancellor  & Principal  was also apprised of progress with the annual Focus Conference, one of the flagship events of the University. While many leaders dread taking a vacation, Professor Ramogale’s investment in people through the capability approach has earned him good rewards as a leader. He also endorsed two upcoming projects by the University – a Women’s Day,  to be hosted off-campus, as well as the State of the University (SOTU) address where both staff and students will have opportunities to meet the executive face-to-face and ask pertinent questions.