Acting Vice-Chancellor gets a congratulatory message from HERS-SA

Professor Nokuthula

On the eve of launching the Gender Forum, Professor Nokuthula Sibiya, acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal, received a letter and social media endorsements from a top gender empowered company, HERS-SA. The MUT Gender Forum was launched on 31 May 2024. HERS-SA is highly ranked for actively creating initiatives to sustainably celebrate and uplift women thus making contributions to gender empowerment. HERS-SA’s message to Professor Sibiya dovetails with its philosophy for the empowerment of women. The launch of the Gender Forum is a culmination of discussions, engagements, and meetings with various stakeholders which she spearheaded as far back as September last year. Professor Sibiya is the first acting female DVC at MUT in its 45 years. “I am humbled by this acknowledgement from HERS-SA and I owe my drive to empower others from various training programmes I have received from HERS-SA”, said Professor Sibiya.