A student organisation shows appreciation to Marketing and Communications

Velabahleke Deputy Principal, Sam Mtshali, right, receiving the important message from MUT’s Sthembile Ndlovu

Lungelo Nkosi, a third year Civil Engineering student, and Chairperson of The TACTSO (The Twelve Apostles Church in Trinity Student Organisation), accompanied by some members of his organisation, presented a certificate of appreciation to the Department of Marketing and Communications for the gifts the department gave the organisation on 13 October 2023 for the TACTSO closing function and farewell for final year students. The annual function took place at the University’s Seme Hall. The certificates were given to all the departments and divisions that contributed to the success of the event.  The Department of Marketing and Communications gave student-friendly goodie bags to the organisation.

The Department of Marketing and Communications’ Nganele Dube, who gave the gifts to the students, said they appreciated the certificate from the students. “It is always a pleasure to assist students where we can, the certificate was a very pleasant surprise. This shows that the small gestures we extend have an impact upon students, this is what we want, to build brand ambassadors for MUT who will share the good deeds they had experienced at MUT,” Dube said.