
Mbali Mkhize

Conference Convener | 031 907 7347

Welcome to the Empowered Administrators Conference 2022!

It is a great honour to still be alive, yes, to still be alive and we thank the Almighty that you are still with us, and for those new delegates that we will be meeting for the first time in November. None of us knew that we would have gone through so many trials and tribulations in 2020/2021. We hope and believe the worst is over.


A few years ago, a new term ‘VUCA’ world was coined. This term as some of you know stands for:

V=Volatility U=Uncertainty C=Complexity A=Ambiguity

VUCA basically demands that we should start reflecting about avoiding traditional and outdated approaches to how we have been doing things. Previously, we spoke about adopting new paradigm shifts. However, it seems we can now elevate paradigm shift to posing questions on how we move about within the VUCA world as office administrators.

The global COVID-19 Lockdowns, “showed us flames”, as young people would have said. We completely had to overhaul the old and move in the new systems. We learned to manage time, our colleagues, and families better. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciated our pace, attitudes and even the quality of what we put before our line managers.


This is now the time to reflect on what we did well and what we could still do better to increase productivity and efficiency in our organisations and earn accolades from line managers and colleagues. We move to EAC 2022 knowing very well that we live in the world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It is an opportune moment for us to consider how best we could survive this world and avoid the pitfalls of yesteryear.


Our conference theme this year has been coined ‘No better time than now…’ because we continue being employed as office administrators in this world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Scientists and forecasters point out that the lockdowns will prevail. Although the next lockdowns may not be health scares, they may happen for other reasons. That is scary but unavoidable.


The past Empowered Administrators Conferences have been the driving force for you to excel and to be elevated by your organisations. EAC 2022 brings the depth and breadth of understanding how office administrators are at the forefront of their departments, organisations, and offices. Themes covered this year will range from:

a.    Empowering delegates with skills and competencies to operate under COVID-19.

b.    Enhancing your skills to give you the independence to operate without authority but not compromising relations with line managers and colleagues.

c.    Becoming decision-makers, solutionists, and experts in stakeholder relations management.

d.    Instilling a resolve within you to work anywhere with integrity and no distraction.

e.    Instilling a resolve within you to work anywhere with integrity and no distraction.



I am very happy about the speakers that will be delivering this training to you. The programme is tailor-made for you, and I hope that it will add more value in your career path.


Looking forward to meeting you soon.


Mbali Mkhize